Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Michelle's Wiki


Successes and Challenges when creating a blog

Creating the blog I overall found to be very easy but when I initially started to sign up I was forgetting the username and password and the system was slow to generate all the information I entered as user name and password. Once I got into the blog, I was able to navigate and write the required information. I feel that blogging is essential in gaining information from others and viewing ideas and expressions about certain topics from others. I was able to learn a great deal through setting up this blog because blogging is something I have only did a few times prior to this.

Blogger Creation Process

The process of creating a blog was not difficult and was able to register with ease, after I got to the right location. I was able to connect through my goggle account which took me straight to the blog account. Once I was on the blog account, I was able to click create new blog and start writing about specific information. Blogging is an great opportunity to gather ideas and collaborate with others to seek information, ideas and opinions.

Intructional Technology

Through having instructional technology implemented in the classroom it is a good way to build collaboration, gather feedback through doing surveys, polls and clickers as a way to measure learning. It also offers the classroom the ability to embed videos and questions, which can be used as a way to enhance the learning and ability to grasp information. Through doing so, students will become active learners and stay engaged.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Introduction for EDU 671 Fundamentals of Educational Research

  1. Share who you are, your professional background & experience (especially any dealing with education), and your personal interests
    Hi, glad to be a part of the class with each of you, to give you a little of my background I have had over 12 years working with mental, development, substance abuse children and adults. I then started my own business in mental health and developmental in 2009. I then proceeded to start a home care agency the next year and currently working on another business that I hope to be up and running by 1st of January 2016. I also contract with agencies and provide training to staff that fall within community human service training and procedures. I was very motivated when I completed my bachelors in Human Service  Management then I went on to  complete my Masters in Organizational Management/Human Resources a year ago. As I was out of school I looked into the Doctoral Program but I didn't want to put all my focus into that timeframe that it takes, so I really began to think about what I wanted to do. I love working with adults and I decided to take the opportunity to obtain this education Masters so I can reach my goal to become online instructor. I love to spend time with my daughter and her friends and no matter what I always make sure that I push t o make sure I have time and attention to offer to her. My daughter was my force to make me do better because she was born weighing 1lb 8oz and due to this she had some learning issues. She is 15 years old now about to go to high school I am very proud when I look back and see where she came from and where she is now.
  2. Illustrate what your background as a K-12 student was like and discuss either a person or an experience that had a lasting influence on your life
    My experience in school was good, I always had connections with the teachers and others always used the phrase that I was the "teachers pet". But I am glad that I cam across teachers who cared enough to offer me advise and guidance. During my 9th grade year I did not apply myself as I should have but my parents got me back on track and I was forced to apply myself. I then went to college and lived on campus for a year. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and I came back home and started working. Well it didn't take me long to see that living pay check to pay check was no fun, but I was still not focused. I was then unable to go to school because of financial aid, and I had to start paying back money from going to college. I was taling to a lady at financial aid one day and I started crying because she said I could not go to school and I said to her "so I will never be able to  go to school, this is the life that I will have?' She respinded to me "yes". When she said I "I said no" I started paying the financial aid back got it paid off and to day I am proud to be working towards my 2nd Masters and hope to give back and play apart in the lives of other adults that thrive to get education.
  3. State which degree program you are enrolled in (MAED or MATLT) and describe the type of position you hope to have in the future and/or as a result of you earning your advanced degree. What impact do you believe having your Master degree will have on your future endeavors?
    I am enrolled in MAED program and I wanted to do this because I want to become an online instructor and help other adults obtain their education. Having my Masters will offer the foundation I need to be able to say that I have shown to be efficient in the basics of education.
  4. Share one quote and its author, if known, that symbolizes your belief about education and or teaching.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
Nelson Mandela